In January 2011, we received an urgent call from animal control about a severely emaciated Doberman literally left in the trash in an alley. He was 33 pounds, and his body temperature was so low, it didn’t register on a thermometer. The vets were worried he would not survive the first night, but he soon started to turn around! We named him Miracle after he started to have a miraculous recovery. After several months of TLC, Miracle transformed into a fully healthy 90-pound dog who loves his life with his family. Miracle received many generous donations when he came in for his care, and his family wants to encourage everyone to continue donating to IDR+ for other dogs like him.
Illinois Doberman Rescue Plus is excited to announce our Miracle Makers Program! For the past several years, we have had a similar program in place and have a generous pool of individuals who choose to make tax-deductible donations to our organization on a consistent basis. These types of recurring donations provide our organization with stability to offer the best care possible to our orphans and continuing to take on special medical cases.
There are two ways to join our new Miracle Makers program. The first is by signing up directly through our website using the donate button. The second way that individuals can get involved in our Miracle Makers Program is through automatic payroll deductions. Ask your employer if they are capable of allowing this type of donation to be made through your paychecks. Programs like YourCause can help facilitate this and what most people do not realize, is that many employers will match your contributions to a certain dollar amount!
As a thank you to everyone who participates in our program, we will send out a complimentary Miracle Maker Doberman pin that is ONLY given out to Miracle Makers. We encourage Miracle Makers to display these pins on their clothing at our events to signify their generous monthly contribution!
Miracle Makers also get their names recognized on our website, event promotional material, newsletters, and social media. You may choose to make your donation anonymous, as well.

Thank you to our 2024 Miracle Makers!
Kris Acheson-Clair
Janet Adamson
Gail Ader/Evanstar Farm
John Albee
Ellen Ambuehl
Roberta Anderson
Laetizia Bizzari
Ross Butschy
Anna Marie Cachey
Bob & Heidi Campbell
Sheila Robbins Campbell
Emily Carr
Deb Cepek
Erik Christoffel
Adam Cohen-Leadholm
Michael Czernia
Philip David
Rebekkah Davies
Scott Dayton
Mike DeLorey
Stacey DeYoung
Amy Donnelly
Lauren Dorman
Richard Doty
Jacalyn Featherston
Darren Ford
Pete & Tina Freisleben
Sherry Frerichs
Shelly Green-Wise
Iliana Gutierrez
Rhonda Hannon
Shari Hohl
Sylvia Jascob
Kenneth Kaiser
John Kappos
Jessie & Nick Kasper
Susan Keller
Lauren & Steve Kelliher
Judy & Sean Kelly
Michael Lasley
Diane & James Leib
Susan Leninger
Mary Locher
Terry Maki
Alicia Malecki
Eric Mall
Karen & Robert Marsaglia
Christopher Martin
Diana Martin
Andrea Mayes
David & Kaitlin Mazur
Cory McGrath
Katherine Meints
Jennifer Miller
Eileen Moffitt
Deb Moran
Michelle Nacheman
Kimberly O’Brien
Diana Okamura
Lisa Pesenti
Kerry Pippel
Lisa Pesenti
Diana Pudwill
Lindy Ruff
Estlin Rydman
Brian Sakowski
Shahmir Shaida
Andrew Skretta
Greg & Rebecca Strelow
Jim Stuart
Rob Sturrus
Cheryl Sutton
Kim Totos
Judy Viczian
Rebecca Warren
Eileen Wayte
David & Linda Weinstein
Jan West
Jeffrey Wiegand
Jennifer Wiercioch
Patrick Willison
James Woolard
Shawn Zarecki
Gina Zisook
Mail your Donation!
Barrington, IL 60011-0435
Thank you for your generous donation! Our orphans thank you!
All donations are greatly appreciated and tax-deductible. Without your help, we could not save all the Dobermans, Plus dogs, cats that we do! Illinois Doberman Rescue Plus operates as a not-for-profit organization based in Northern Illinois. The goal of IDR+ is to rescue animals in need, to place them into responsible homes, and to educate the public about the Doberman breed. Our rescue animals come from animal control organizations, humane societies, and owner give-up situations in Illinois and surrounding states.
Illinois Doberman Rescue Plus is a Section 501(c)(3) charitable organization, EIN: 04-3757352. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services are/were provided in exchange for your contribution.